NCD Playbook:
After a peer-reviewed national surveillance survey in India, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MoFHW) in India plans to create a playbook to track, investigate and finance Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This playbook will essentially be an effective, data-driven way to fight high blood pressure, diabetes, and other non-communicable diseases. This was announced on March 5, 2021 by MoFHW.
Significance of NCD Playbook:
India is going through a major health crisis due to the high prevalence of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). The World Health Organization (WHO)* announced a total of 63% of NCD-related deaths in 2018. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, has set time-bound national goals for the country to track progress toward achieving the National NCD reporting system and NCD action plan by 2025.
The Government of India is committed to addressing the burden of NCDs in the country. The National Programme on Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) launched in 2010, aimed at institutionalizing response to NCDs by setting up state level NCD cells and integrating it within the National Health Mission (NHM) framework. Thus, increasing the momentum for prevention and management of major NCDs.
How VinCense fits in:
VinCense Spot Check platform is the perfect solution for determining the right strategies for the NCD Playbook and in preventing Lifestyle diseases; given the three-way combination of speed (8 parameters such as Pulse rate, Oxygen Saturation, Respiratory Rate, Skin temperature, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, Weight and BMI in 4 min), accuracy and real time NCD surveillance. Enabling scalable, affordable, patient centric delivery models for preventive care. It helps in reducing the NCD screening time by 84% per patient and also eliminates data entry errors. It enables instant communication and coordination between the consultants and the team, removes the friction and makes the screening workflow more efficient.
Benefits of using VinCense:
- Aids preventive care by high volume effective screening and early intervention -> reduce disease burden, DALYs(disability-adjusted life years)
- Improve pregnancy, maternal, perinatal monitoring -> reduce MMR
- Early detection of pneumonia, cardiac problems -> reduce morbidity and mortality
- Reduce average length of stay in hospital -> reduce HAIs, service more people
- Linkage to specialists can be made remote
- Easy NCD Surveillance
- Enable continuum of care
- Enable NPCDCS, mobile medical unit programmes
- Real-time monitoring & evaluation
- Collection of reliable data for Public Health Statistics
- Analytics; real time map of problem areas; resource allocation
- Automation leads to alleviation of human error factor
- Useful for triage; empower frontline workers
- Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2017 [Internet]. World Health Organization. 2019 [cited 7 June 2018]. Available from:
- Non communicable diseases [Internet]. World Health Organization. 2019 [cited 7 June 2018]. Available from: Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2018 [Internet]. World Health Organization. 2019 [cited 7 June 2019]. Available from:
- Indian Council of Medical Research, Public Health Foundation of India, and Institute for Health metrics and Evaluation. India: Health of the Nation’s States. The India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative. New Delhi, India: ICMR, PHFI, and IHME;2017.
- Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. [Internet]. GBD Profile: India [cited 7 June 2018]. Available from: