The procedure for treating COVID-19 patients in health institutions other than medical college hospitals, government hospitals, and dedicated COVID-19 hospitals has been amended by the Health Department. Due to lack of understanding and fear, people with mild Covid symptoms want to get admitted in the hospital and the hospitals/clinics are running out of beds. Due to which the vulnerable Covid patients are now denied hospital entry, with the effect that the mortality rate is dramatically rising.
An Expert Committee has recommended guidelines for treating patients with COVID-19 symptoms in all health facilities other than medical college hospitals, government hospitals, and COVID-19-specific hospitals. Patients with an oxygen saturation level of more than 96 need not be admitted to hospitals, according to the guidelines. The new regimen was designed to start treatment early in order to avoid disease progression and lung involvement. Hospital visits may be reduced as a result of this.
When a patient visits a monitoring center or a primary health care hospital as soon as they notice symptoms, his or her oxygen saturation levels are tested. Treatment will begin based on his or her current health condition. Perhaps, by the time a patient arrives after receiving the test results, he or she has developed a full-fledged illness. They try to save patients’ lungs from being involved. As a result, healthcare will be given at primary health care centers and COVID-19 Care Centers.
Patients will be evaluated on these criteria at a testing center, screening/triaging center, health facilities, and outreach camps, for example, regardless of vaccination status, positive or negative or not tested for COVID-19, symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, such as fatigability, myalgia, sore throat, breathlessness, continuous fever, headache, diarrhea, cough, loss of taste and smell, oxygen saturation level of more than 96 and single breath count of more than 20 and respiratory rate of less than 18/minute.
The case management, included prescription of medication, adequate hydration, prone position and seeking of hospital care/admission, if red flag signs appear. The red flag signs included persistent fever, persistent cough, breathlessness and fatigability. For oxygen saturation of 90-94% or respiratory rate of 24-30, they should seek care at primary health center/screening center for getting assessed by doctors. For oxygen saturation of less than 90% and respiratory rate of more than 24, they should approach COVID-19 hospital/government hospitals/medical college hospitals for oxygen supplement.
The procedure specifies the discharge criteria: patients must have an oxygen saturation of more than 92 percent in room air for three days in a medical college/district headquarters facility/dedicated hospital. COVID-19 hospitals, COVID-19 treatment centers with oxygen beds, and COVID-19 care centers
VinCense mHealth platform is the right solution for data-driven health risk mitigation and management – capturing the key vital pulse rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and skin temperature with clinical grade accuracy in just 10 seconds, making it possible to check 60 to 90 individuals in an hour for a viable screening tool (incl. disinfection and data entry times).
Using the VinCense COVID-19 Risk Detection Protocol based on DPH, GoTN’s protocol, live dashboards capture the risk. With this, early intervention – saving lives and livelihoods – is made possible.
VinCense COVID-19 Risk Detection Protocol (VinCRDP) helps to identify individuals with No, Mild, Moderate, Severe Covid risk, thus helping the government/enterprises to prioritize individuals in just 10 seconds to be checked for Covid-19 in a data-driven manner.
VinCense helps to identify comorbidities in people. Many people affected believe that because of their greater mobility and socialization, they are active and unaware that they are spreading the disease to others because they are highly exposed to the virus. While they are at low risk of serious infection, others, especially elderly members of the family, may be infected. According to the revised Government protocol, measuring their key vital parameters Pulse Rate, Oxygen Saturation, and Respiratory Rate in just 10 seconds using VinCense would help the hospital prioritize patients and determine if they should be admitted to the hospital or advised to isolate and check their parameters at home using VinCense-Remote Patient Monitoring Platform. For Covid triage/Management-Respiratory Rate is the key for early detection; VinCense is the only platform to measure Pulse Rate, Oxygen Saturation, Respiratory Rate and Skin Temperature in just 10 seconds with Clinical grade accuracy. Thus, VinCense enables just-in-time, personalized, hyperlocal preventive and curative healthcare delivery.
VinCense…The smarter way to handle the pandemic!!!
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